Angeline Rajoo


Angeline Rajoo

LLB (Hons) Lon
Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln’s Inn)
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Member of the Law Society of Singapore

Angeline is a Partner in the Insurance Department. 

Angeline practices in the field of general litigation; primarily dealing with the defence and recovery of insurance related claims in the field of insurance law.

Her Areas of Practise which cover on motor accidents and personal injury arising from motor accidents; Including negotiations between insurance companies over claims; Damage to property arising from motor accidents; construction and/or renovation works

Her work as an Insurance Lawyer has involved her working with loss adjusters, automobile surveyors, quantity surveyors, road traffic accident Reconstructionist experts, building quantity surveyors and engineers.
She primarily deals with the defence and recovery of insurance related claims in the field of insurance law and has represented Insurance companies as well as lay persons in defending or recovering claims ranging from a simple accident matter to more complex injury and property damage claims.
One of her more significant cases was when she represented 4 separate and independent Insurance companies in their recovery claims arising from Business Interruption loss or loss of profits arising from a temporary closure of their policy holders’ business operations, being designer label outlets operating at the Hotel premises. The outlets had shut down operations due to escape of smoke and fire from an electrical shorting which occurred at the electrical switch room at the Hotel premises.
Given the nature of the claims made, one of the obstacles facing recovery, apart from the issue of the causation of the electrical shorting, was the issue of whether the losses in question were pure economic loss which the law did not allow for recovery. The case was eventually settled in the High Court on the first day of trial itself, after the hearing commenced and witnesses were heard on the issue of the cause of the fire.

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